Wednesday 26 January 2011

Windy but dry

Hooray, I have towels drying on the washingline -
oops, spoke too soon - just had to run out and save the washing, never I said, it's wet and windy...
So, it is day three of illness for the man of the house - I feel in need of a holiday, no crafting just nursing ....and to be perfectly honest he has to be the most annoying patient ever, but thankfully he seems to be on the mend, lets hope that nobody else gets it!
Anyhow, last night I had my first crochet lesson of the New Year from my very patient 12 year old daughter...I have tried to learn how to crochet several times before without much success but I thinkIi had a breakthrough last night....must keep practising, fingers crossed I've got it this time! Will post a photo of my efforts (promise not to laugh!).....she is a very good teacher, very proud of FP!
Between nursing I've been baking scones, preparing yarn for FP's new bedroom rug, a spot of light housework (in other words: very little!) and what seems like a mountain of washing.....and I am about to make cheese slice for tonight's tea, it is non stop for this crafty lady today....probably should be fitting in a dog walk before the school pick-up also....roll on Friday!

Last night'scrochet

Cut fabric strips for FP's rug

gorgeous vanilla scone

FP's rug so far 

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