Friday, 13 August 2010

Go tomatoes!!

Forgot to mention yesterday, the tomatoes are still with us, I am probably tempting fate by saying this but I am so chuffed - by August my toms are usually dead in a blackened state of blight and decay - obviously I'd rather they were a rich rosy red
colour but you can't have everything...and green tomato chutney is quite nice..Just thought I'd share that moment of joy with you...

iphone knits

Latest project - cute knitted iphone covers, have made quite a few for friends and family in various colours, have been making them to order as they are so speedy to make - very practical too!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

4th week

A few pics: pavement art/homemade scones and blackcurrant jam/delicious chocolate cake/beautiful blooms...

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Busy, busy...

Now nearing the end of the third week of the school hols already - where does all the time go? Children have been enjoying Craft workshops at the local gallery, reading like crazy for the Reading Mission, picking fruit on Grandma and Grandad's plot, weeding/sowing/harvesting potatoes on our plot,baking goodies, building dens etc etc..
We now have a large stock of Strawberry and Blackcurrant Jams thanks to our family plots..I have been v busy with the jam making, very delicious!
Freezer is also now stocked with gorgeous Gooseberry pie and Crumbles...can not wait for Blackberry season!
Oldest daughter returned from her first festival on monday v tired but she loved it!